Thursday, May 21, 2009


Somewhere in my neighborhood there is a trail of red shoe prints running away from whatever was being painted. What's funny is that I never even noticed myself stepping in paint. I should really pay more attention when I run.

These are my new sandals that arrived today from Piperlime. I LOVE them! I feel so hip :)


Melissa said...

love love love them! you have great taste! can't wait for summer to start so we can host all our parties, take cool classes, and go on little adventures :)

Kat said...

Those ARE cool! Love them :) I placed an order for shoes myself this morning - wedding shoes though. However, I guess it's shoe blogging week or something cause I wrote about shoes on my blog a few days ago too!!

Can't wait to see you on Sunday! *hugs*

Kjerry said...

Kat I love the shoes on your blog :) perfect colors for your wedding, either in this life or the next ;)